Financial Aid

Financial Aid
Financial Aid Scholarships (Qualifications and Rules)
Apply early (February-March) before funds run out!
We believe every child should have the opportunity to experience a week of summer camp at Ponderosa at least once in their lifetime. Generous donations from individuals and churches make financial aid available to those who qualify. A limited amount of financial aid is available for first-time campers who would not be able to attend otherwise.
Important Notes:
Mailbox Club: Campers can earn up to $50 off the price of camp by participating in our Mailbox Club lessons and Scripture Memory program. Mailbox Club rules and deadlines apply. The deadline for completion of MBC lessons is April 29th each year.
Aid Amounts: Financial aid amounts vary based on availability.
Priority: Priority is given to first-time campers whose parents are in financial need.
Application Process:
Print and complete the Financial Aid Application.
Mail or fax the application to our office along with a letter from the camper explaining why they would like to attend Ponderosa.
Create an online account so that we can apply any financial aid you may be awarded.
Enter the bio information for each child for whom you are applying in your online account.
Please Note:
Financial Aid Applications must be faxed or mailed to our office after completing your online account.
Financial Aid is NOT available for Teen Week.
Apply now to secure your child's spot at Ponderosa Bible Camp!

Sponsor a Camper
You can help send a needy child to Summer Camp by donating to our Scholarship Fund through your online account. Ponderosa Bible Camp is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, faith-supported, independent missions organization. Any donation you make to support this ministry is greatly appreciated and will be acknowledged with a tax-deductible receipt.
Sponsorship Options:
Foster Kids Camp Camper: Sponsor a camper for $1.65 per day, totaling $600 per year.
Financially Needy Camper: Sponsor a camper for $1.08 per day, totaling $395 per year.
Your generosity can make a lasting impact on a child's life. Sponsor a camper today!